Minority Report



A vote NO does not mean a strike…it means that our negotiators will go back to the bargaining table so we can try to get what we should have had a long time ago.


A few quick shortcomings of the new contract:

  • If you're working on a streaming show that's under twenty minutes, studios can choose to pay you MINIMUM WAGE.

  • If your syndication residual was $100, it could now be dropped as low as $10.

  • Your meager Pay TV (HBO/SHOWTIME, etc.) residual of .32 cents will, once again, see no increases.

  • Stunt performers will continue to give away their cumulative overtime pay when they are asked to do dangerous and skilled work.

  • Be aware that 75% of the proposed pension & health increases will come directly from your wage increase.

  • We asked that if you're doing a nude/sex scene that they limit the people who can watch in video village and the studios said NO!  Seriously?  We couldn't even get THAT?

  • Background Artists will see a meager 1 background spot added (Los Angeles only) in year two of this proposed contract. The value of this 1 s:  ot equals .2% of the total deal.

  • We are giving away our decades-long first class/business class Foreign Travel provisions.

  • Studios will continue to be allowed to fold your future residuals into your original pay.